
アカデミー賞外国語部門フランス代表、セザール賞作品賞を始めとする6部門にノミネート、2011年カンヌ国際映画祭では批評家週間オープニング作品として上映された話題作「わたしたちの宣戦布告(La Guerre est déclarée )」が本日よりBunkamuraル・シネマ、シネ・リーブル梅田にて公開。




Opening this past weekend at BUNKAMURA is an award winning French movie, La Guerre est déclarée. The movie follows, ‘The happiness of Romeo and Juliet, a young Parisian couple with a promising future, is dramatically compromised by the terrible news that their 18-month-old son Adam is suffering from a brain tumor. A renowned surgeon manages to remove most of the mass, but the residue forms an aggressive rhabdoid tumor, leading them to begin chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment. Forced to leave their respective jobs to stay at their baby’s bedside, Romeo and Juliet rely on the financial and emotional support of their relatives and friends. But the painful and exhausting ordeal threatens to jeopardize their marriage.’