10 Magazine / his and hers.

他のマガジンと違って過去に一度もセレブと呼ばれる人を起用したことがない10 Magazine の表紙。が、ここでデビッド(David)& ヴィクトリア・ベッカム(Victoria Beckham)夫妻を起用。2010年を迎え何か新しいことが始まろうとしている。

check it out 10 Magazine website HERE.

David and Victoria Beckham grace the cover’s of the S/S 2010 Men’s and Women’s 10 magazine.Photographed by Cedric Buchet, it’s the first time a couple has featured on the magazine’s cover. Indeed, it’s the first celebrity cover for the magazine which up until now has preferred to use models.

David Beckham almost has full sleeved tattoo’s now, I wonder if they let him use the gym in his hotel when he visits Japan?

See previews of 10 MAGAZINE at their website HERE.