
311震災後 … 沢山の人々が考えさせられたでしょう。そのことから … 沢山の人々がチャリティ、ボランティア活動に参加していました。わたしたちTOKYODANDYも … 震災支援のための食品・物資寄付を受け付けている「セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン」へ、食品・物資の支援をさせて頂きました。(こちら)「ONE NIPPON」に参加頂いた出演者の皆様。会場にお越しいただき、支援物資を持ち寄った皆様、本当にありがとうございました。
また、20年ぶりのジャパンツアーで来日していたカイリー・ミノーグからのメッセージ。(こちら)7月に開催された富永愛主催の写真展「EXHIBITION – I, Tominaga」。(こちら)被災地へといち早く桜を届けたいという気持ちから富永愛自身Twitterにて立ち上げた<#sakuramovement>。各国のVOGUE編集長たちが集結した「VOGUE FASHION’S NIGHT OUT JAPAN」。(こちら)とにかく … 本当に色々なことがあり、沢山の人々が支え合った1年ではないでしょうか。

長々と書いてしまいましたが、改めまして …

来年(2012年 辰年)もどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

We can’t think about the year 2011 without remembering all of those that lost their lives, homes and families on March 11th. The biggest natural disaster Japan has ever faced and a nuclear threat, the destructive power of which will be felt for generations to come.

It’s a poignant place to start our look back of the year as the ONE NIPPON event was one of our highlights throughout the year. In a time of uncertainty and fear, the community of people you see in Tokyo Dandy photos all came together through wanting to help those affected in the North East of Japan. It may have been a small gesture in the face of such huge destruction, but it was a genuine one and there was a lot of love shared that night (look back at ONE NIPPON HERE).

A lot of people start blogs to become famous, however, that’s never been our goal. We started Tokyo Dandy with the clear aim of ‘bridging the gap between high fashion and street style’. Looking back through our photos I think we’ve achieved that goal. From luxury brands including PRADA and MARC JACOBS to rising domestic stars such as Christian Dada and PHENOMENON, from super stars including VERBAL, Kylie, P Diddy, Pharell, PRINCE and Nicki Minaj to our super star friends at Kita Kore, Candy, Trump Room, Le Baron and beyond…. 2011 has been a year in which worlds have collided and a new generation of passionate creatives on every level have excelled.

We feel embarrassed when people tell us they enjoy Tokyo Dandy as there is so much more we feel we can do. We thank everyone who has helped us and supported us in 2011 and we look forward to doing better and being better in 2012.