デザイナーのジル・サンダー(Jil Sander)氏が勤める会社と、ユニクロ(UNIQLO)がコンサルティング契約を交わしたのだ。ん?ユニクロとジル・サンダー?(嬉、驚、そしてエキサイティングな気持ちになっただろう。)内容としては、ユニクロの商品全体のクリエイティブ ディレクター、更に特定コレクションのデザインも行ない今年の秋冬から店頭に並ぶ予定。


It was announced in a press conference in Tokyo today that Jil sander will be returning to fashion for the first time since 2004. She is taking up a role at UNIQLO! Although Sander has not been given an official title, it is understood that this will be a “design consulting agreement” that will position Jil Sander as the Creative Director for all of the men’s and women’s goods at the brand as well as creating a new line bearing Sanders’ trademark minimalist look this fall.

Jil Sander has long been famous for her minimal mode style, and UNIQLO is the best place to pick up cheap yet good quality basics, so this collaboration really makes sense and is great news.

Source – WWD