AES+F “The Feast of Trimalchio” Opening At Art Satements Tokyo

先日紹介させて頂いた「AES+F」の日本初個展にお邪魔してきました。5日(金)より「ART STATEMENT」にて開催されているのだが、私たちは、前日に行われていたオープニングに参加したのだった。3階フロアではとても興味深い映像が流れていた。見る人を考えさせるかのようにね。3月15日まで開催されているので、是非行ってみるべし。MORE INFO HERE.

On Friday night we went to the opening of Russian Art Collective AES+F’s first solo exhibition to take place in Tokyo. “The Feast of Trimalchio” is being shown at Art Statements Tokyo, a compact new space off a back street in Ebisu, a short stroll from either Ebisu or Daikanyama station or a taxi on Komazawa Dori. The entrance hall and 2nd floor space have stills from “The Feast of Trimalchio” video which is being shown on the 3rd floor. It’s an epic production with multi-cultural influences and probably laced with a lot symbolism and meaning that is over my head. It looks great and is rather dream like in the way it draws you in and makes you wonder. Definitely worth a look, the exhibition is running through until March 15th.