ファッション デザイナー、シャーロット・ロンソン(Charlotte Ronson)の2009年春夏コレクションが東京で発表された。同日、Le Baron de Parisを会場に開催されたアフターパーティでは、シャーロット・ロンソンの姿はもちろん、双子の妹サマンサの姿もあった。彼女らが登場するまでの間、会場を盛り上げていたのはモデルとしても活躍するエリー・ローズElli-Rose)。

まだかまだかとざわつくバロン店内。そうこうしているうちに妹のサマンサ・ロンソンがリンジー・ローハンと共に現れた。エントランスから、奥へ進むにつれシャッターを切る音が “パシャパシャ” と鳴り響き会場は早くもパニック状態。そう … リンジーを一目見ようと皆必死だったのだ。

モデル、エリ・ローズからサマンサ・ロンソンへとバトンタッチした瞬間 … LA調のサウンドが流れ始めた。お酒を片手に満足そうに踊りくるうガールズたち。異なる意見が飛び交うサマンサのDJタイム。ネガティブなことではなく … 「うんうん。分かる。リンジーの気持ちが。」などと。要するに、キュートでクールなルックスを持つサマンサとなら私も付き合いたい!などと。皆同感しているように思えた。それにしても新鮮だったサマンサのセット。LAっぽいというか … Le Baron de Parisではなかなかみれない光景にあのサウンド。

さらに、別テーブルには「“the girl who kissed a girl and liked it”」で知られる、ケイティ・ペリー(Katy Perry)がいたのだ。Faline Tokyoのマリさんこと、BABYMARYに紹介してもらい挨拶をしてみると、とてもフレンドリーでファニーな彼女。なんだかご機嫌だった様子。(急に乳首を抓ってきたのにはビックリしたが。仕返しに抓りかえしたけどね(乳首ではないパーツをね)。)とにかく、ラブリーでファニーな彼女はとても気さくだった。Thanks BABYMARY!



パートナー、サマンサをサポートするために付き添いで来ていたリンジーだが、彼女がいたことで微妙な空気になっていた気が。女優としても活躍する彼女だが … なんだかショックを受けてしまった。我慢できなかったのであろう。
これまで、テリー・リチャードソン(Terry Richardson)やミュウミュウ(miu miu)のキャンペーンなどにも登場した彼女が。そう … 去年もシャーロット&サマンサと共に来日し、アフターでも笑みを見せていた彼女が。どうしたのか!?

どちらにしても、会場はサマンサ色に染まった一夜だった。THANKS TO SAMANTHA.

And check out Katy Perry’s video, we LOVE her.

Designer Charlotte Ronson brought her well received new catwalk collection to Tokyo on Wednesday night, a packed crowd of around 2000 took in the designers latest work which looks set to do really well in Japan. We were there for the after party in Le Baron and everyone was in a really good mood. Elli-rose kept the crowd going until Charlottes twin sister Samantha turned up to take to the decks. Everyone really enjoyed Samanthas set, it was very LA and we don’t get sets like that in le Baorn so often. After the crowd had been a bit camera crazy we got stuck into the drinks and dancing as Samantha played away. Seeing Sam in person a lot of the girls were sayin how they could turn gay, there’s just something about her, the girl’s cool.

More our kind of girl is Katy Perry (the girl who kissed a girl and liked it). Baby Mary, always on top party form, introduced us to her. She is fabulous. Such a sweet heart, so much fun. It was an absolute pleasure to meet her, she tweaked my nipple a little hard, but I will get over that. The girl is such a pleasure. She couldn’t understand why people wouldn’t be having fun at the party either. We want everyone to go out and buy her record so she comes back to Japan again soon.

Jessica Michibata was there, lovely as ever, as well as Yamada Yu. As Samantha Ronson was leaving I thanked her for playing a great set and for letting me take a picture of her with my friend Elli who had been the DJ on before Sam. I gave her my card and asked her to check out the picture here on Tokyo Dandy. That was when Mingey No-man Lindsay Lohan graced us with her mighty presence from the sulky corner she had been sat in all night, only to push Sam along saying “nononononono”, and they left. We all like Samantha Ronson enough for her to have been there and played without any “back up”. I know Lindsay was there to support her partner, which is great, but she ended up lowering the tone and making an atmosphere. DRAMA. I really liked Lohan. I like the the shoots she did with Miu Miu, and fuck me she has worked with Bert Stern and Terry Richardson, two of my favourite photographers. But Japan is a long way away from the States and when you come here people are bound to be happy to see you, jesus christ, this is the second biggest market after the US for American movies so if you are an “actress” you should embrace it!!! They will leave you alone as you shop on the streets of Harajuku (although you probably prefer the attention of Robertson Boulevard) but tonight was a promotional event so there are bound to be pictures taken.

Thanks for a great set Sam, we really enjoyed it and we look forward to you coming back to Japan again sometime soon.

And check out Katy Perry’s video, then buy her album and bring her back here again, we LOVE her.