COCOON 2 – ‘BALMUNG’ ‘Bodysong’ and ‘runurunu’ S/S 2011

元ストリップ劇場の空間をギャラリースペースとして使用する「GALLERY COCEAL」にて、”BALMUNG“、”BODYSONG“、”runurunu” の合同展示会「COCCON 2」が開催された。前回同様「COCCON」 に続き、彼ららしい演出。まさに、東京の次世代クリエイター。… とでも言おう。パリ・ファッションウィーク期間中に開催される合同展TRANOItokyo eye」に参加した”BALMUNG“。マニアックなパターンに挑戦的なYOSHIROTTENのグラフィックをのせた”bodysong” × “BODYROTTEN” フィーチャ。最後は、dinnerとしても活動する”runurunu“によるカラフルなピースたち。今後の彼らの活躍に期待。

Cocoon 2, not to be confused with the classic 80’s movie, is in fact a joint show case for new and up-coming Tokyo Design talent. The second installment featured the S/S 2011 collections of 3 brands, ‘BALMUNG’ ‘Bodysong’ and ‘runurunu’, each with their own distinct style yet connected by a street couture aesthetic that is pure Tokyo. ‘runurunu’ features multicolored body suits in a range of fabrics, tight in some places while generous in others creating ruffled effects and unique silhouettes. ‘BALMUNG’ uses a white, silver and gold palette for S/S 2011, joe can be seen one of the fitted jackets in a photo below. BODY SONG has collaborated with graphic Designer Yoshirotten on their ongoing ‘BODYROTTEN’ line, this season this includes meat graphic prints which look like a bloody universe (the bottom photo). We will be featuring the look books from these three brands with more information on the designers in the coming week.