色彩を使って描いたという月を描いた青いペインティングのシリーズから2年、ダニエル・アーシャムが手がける新作個展「Color Shadows(カラー・シャドウ)」と「Architecture Anomali(アーキテクチャー・アノマリーズ)」を、都内2ヶ所で同時開催する。

Artist Daniel Arsham is to bring to shows to Tokyo with “Color Shadows’ and ‘Architecture Anomali’ to run concurrently from the end of this month at Nanzuku and Perrotin Tokyo.

Cookie Monster Patch (Purple), 2018. Plaster, metal, paint

「Fictional Archeology(フィクションとしての考古学)」をコンセプトに、火山灰、黒曜石、炭粉、紅水晶など天然の物質からオブジェを制作するユニークな鋳造技術を用いた特徴的な彫刻スタイルを確立。本展「カラー・シャドウ」では、地質物質、石膏、金属、アーシャム初となるブロンズを用いた鋳造作品が一堂に展示される。さらに、ギャラリーの内壁を床から天井まで覆うことで腐食と劣化の様相をまとわせ、建物を含めた空間が一体的な空間に。

Perrotin Tokyo presents Color Shadow, grouping together a series of cast sculptures made from geological materials, plaster and metal,and, for the first time, bronze, a new format for the artist. Consistent with Arsham’s broader practice and his relationship to architecture,
these cast works of childlike stuffed animals are placed strategically on the ground in careful relation to one another within the gallery’s exhibition space.

Daniel Arsham Courtesy of NANZUKA

Simultaneously, and in complement to the Perrotin show, Arsham presents Architectural
Anamolies, a solo show at Nanzuka gallery in Tokyo, which features a separate body of work from his show at Perrotin, with the exception of Falling Clock. Created out of fiberglass, a simple clock tilts to one side, appearing dramatically caught within the soft folds of white fabric falling down the wall. Interacting directly with the architecture of the gallery, Arsham creates embedded forms which appear to reach out towards viewers

Daniel Arsham “Architecture Anomali”
時間:11:00 – 19:00
住所:東京都渋谷区渋谷2-17-3 渋谷アイビスビル B2F

Daniel Arsham “Color Shadows”
住所:東京都港区六本木6-6-9 ピラミデビル1F
時間:11:00 – 19:00