先週の木曜日渋谷の「club axxcis」で行なわれた「GENDER3」でのレポート。ライブにDJと異なるサウンドが飛び交い、会場内はパニック状態。ファッションニスタはもちろん、根っからの音好き、バンドマンと異なる人種がパーティーを盛り上げていたのだ。勢いのあるロックバンド、ザ・ヴィヴィアンズ(The Vivians)、ギミー・アム(GiMME UM)、そして、レディオ・ファンデーション(Radio Foundation)。彼らをサポートするために駆けつけた人々も沢山いるはず。なかには、ご存知俳優の松田翔太の姿も。「Radio Foundation」は、最も勢いのあるバンドグループで、3月15日には渋谷クワトロでライブが行なわれる。今後の彼らの活動に期待を!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make GENDER3 such a unique and special event. We look forward to many more parties in the future, especially ones with the guys from VANITY and TEENAGE KICKS.

下記ブランドは、GENDER3で協力してくれたスポンサーチーム、3社 !Thank you so much to FIRST LIMOUSINE, SMIRNOFF and MIRACLE SHEET … check out our kind sponsors …


今回サポートしていただいた関係者、本当にありがとうございました。see you again soon x

Photography by Dan Bailey (

Last Thursday we supported the GENDER3 event at Axxcis in Shibuya. It was awesome to see so many people at such an exciting event – mixing live music, DJs and fashion. We had the chance to catch up with our friends from Shima, Faline, CANDY, KARTHU, Vogue Nippon and Dior Homme amongst many others. The Vivians and Gimme Ums rocked the house, and there was a huge turn out for Radio Foundation who put on an amazing high-energy show. Their friend, actor Shota Matsuda was there to support them along with many of their fans. Radio Foundation are without a doubt the most exciting band in Japan at the moment and are only going to get bigger and better. We are already looking forward to their one man live at Shibuya Quattro on March 15th.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped to make GENDER3 such a unique and special event. We look forward to many more parties in the future, especially ones with the guys from VANITY and TEENAGE KICKS.

Please take the time to check out our kind sponsors who made it all possible –


Thanks again to everyone who came, see you again soon x