ギャラリー・ショウ・コンテンポラリー・アートでは2012年の締めくくりとなる「Hyperrealism:ハイパーリアリズム」を11月15日(木)より開催。 展覧会初日の11月15日(木)には夕方6時30分から、弊廊ディレクターの佐竹昌一郎と、展示作家の一人であるジョン・カセールの作品をはじめ、性愛の文化史に造詣の深い伴田良輔氏、ならびに作家のサイトウマコト氏をお迎えして、特別トークセッションを予定。 展覧会の題名となっている「ハイパーリアリズム」とは、絵画や彫刻にみられる表現方法のひとつとして、写実主義とも訳されるリアリズムやフォトリアリズムのより発展した形と捉えられてる。ハイパーリアリズムの作家は卓抜した描写と造形を用いて、細部へたぐいまれなる情熱を注ぎ込み「本物」そっくりな作品を創り出す。



2012年11月15日(木) – 2013年1月26日(土)

Hyperrealism, by various artists who vigorously engage with their unique realities, opens at Galeri Sho from 15th November 2012 – 26th January 2013. Hyperrealism is a genre of painting or sculpture, generally applied to an advanced style of realism or photorealism that try to achieve pictorial artworks with great passions and attentions to details. Galerie Sho’s newly acquired work will be shown including John Kacere (American, 1920-1999) and Mel Ramos (American, 1935-), who are both the most celebrated and influential artists in the field of hyperrealism today. Also the exhibition provides a unique opportunity to see a wide range of approaches to hyperrealism – from astonishingly pictorial still life painting by Robert Bernardi (Italian, 1974-) to a life size replication of young female model by John de Andrea (American, 1941-), which has immaculate detail including specific blemishes on the model’s body.

Furthermore, hyperrealism even challenges our own perceptions: in examining females’ sensual skin by Kacere, Ramos, and de Andrea, one may be marvelled how easily we could conjure up realities in our mind and enjoy its pleasure of looking by not seeing the real surfaces that were brought into being by meticulous but visible brushstrokes. Throughout the exhibition, the world of hyperrealism will invite you to the polarised depths of the method; artists’ explorations of realities as well as creativities that are only achievable by their unique interpretation and representation.

15th NOVEMBER 2012 – 26th JANUARY 2013