Nicolas Buffe Hara Museum HERMES 1

ビュフは、ヨーロッパの古典と和製ロールプレイングゲームの世界観に類似性を見出し、驚いたと語る。この展覧会では、主人公である少年ポリフィーロの冒険を通し、夢と愛、闘いと勝利、死と再生という、普遍的なテーマを提示。主に壁画と立体作品を組み合わせた大型インスタレーションで構成される本展は、さらに AR(Augmented Reality、拡張現実)の技術を用いて鑑賞者が仮想空間で甲冑をまとうことのできるインタラクティブなマルチメディアインスタレーション、屋外の大型インスタレーションを含み、美術館全体をファンタジーの世界に変える異色の試みです。

ニコラ ビュフ:ポリフィーロの夢
入場料:一般1,100円、大高生700円、小中生 500円

Nicolas Buffe Hara Museum HERMES 3

The Hara Museum is currently hosting the first exhibition of Paris-Born Tokyo-Based Artist Nicolas Buffe. From the artists impression of the entrance above, it looks set to be a fantastical ride though the imagination of the Artist, from the press release…..

Buffe creates art that is grand and yet lighthearted, whose influences range from
Renaissance grotesques and Baroque ornament to American and Japanese sub-cultures such as manga, anime and video
games. His fusion of Eastern and Western traditions both classical and modern has been garnering attention not only within
art circles, but also in areas as diverse as opera and fashion.

This exhibition pays homage to the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, a book published in Venice in 1499. During his first
encounter with the book, Buffe was struck by the structural similarity between the story of Polifilo and the initiation quests
that he experienced in video games such as Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros and Final Fantasy. Like the book, this
exhibition comprises an allegorical dream in which the hero (the visitor) must make it through several stages of an
adventure during which he encounters magical objects and images, makes discoveries, plays games and even engages in
interactive play through the magic of Augmented Reality (AR). Buffe plays on the architectural characteristics of the
museum to transform all of its spaces into a wonderland.

The Exhibition is supported by Hermes Japan who have released a line of scarves designed by the Buffe. You can take a closer look and purchase them at the Hermes Japan Website Here.

Nicolas Buffe Official Website
Hara Museum Of Contemporary Art Website

Nicolas Buffe Hara Museum HERMES 4