4月20日(金) … 横浜赤レンガ倉庫にて開催された「NIKE FREE」による「YASEI NIGHT 〜 野生のつよさをよびさませ」。渋谷のクロスタワー前でバスに乗り、到着後「bills」でディナーを満喫した後メインのイベントがスタート。軽さ柔軟性に加えて「野生のつよさ」「最も裸足に近いNIKE FREE」を履きパフォーマンスを繰り広げる「鎮座DOPENESS」。また、その音に合わせて2本のロープで華麗な技を見せ付けるダブルダッチチーム「カプリオール」。隣の赤レンガでは「BUILDING TWIST」と題したプロジェクションマッピングで赤レンガが揺れたり。More info here.

NIKE FREE ~ 野生のつよさをよびさませ。ナイキのシニアシューズデザイナー、マーク・マイナー(Mark Miner)によるインタビューはこちら!

On Friday Night Nike whisked us out to Yokohama for YASEI Night in celebration of NIKE FREE running shoes. Arriving at Yokohama, we had dinner at the historical ‘Aka-Renga-Soko’, the red brick warehouses that having survived the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the bombings of World War 2 are now over 100 years old. The technology behind NIKE FREE is to enable the foot to move freely, almost as barefoot, but with the added support and protection a shoe offers. YASEI Night demonstrated this technology with a NIKE FREE sneaker hooked up to a computer network that, when twisted, appeared to make the front of the Red Brick Warehouse twist, stretch and bend in a similar manner though 3D mapping effects. DOPENESS & DOPING BAND put on a live show and special guests took to the stage to put the building through its paces. Watch the video below to find out more about the design of NIKE FREE.