Photo by Ikko Narahara "Two Garbage Cans, Native American Village" from Shometsu shita jikan (Where time has vanished), 1972

 FUJIFILM SQUARE(フジフイルム スクエア)は、2014年1月17日(金)から2月5日(水)まで、FUJIFILM SQUARE 企画展『フジフイルム・フォトコレクション』展 ― 日本の写真史を飾った写真家の「私の1枚」を開催いたします。
 「フジフイルム・フォトコレクション」は約150年前の幕末に写真術が日本に渡来してから銀塩写真が最盛期を迎えた20世紀の間に活躍し、高い技術と感性で国内外で高く評価を受けた写真家約100名の「この1 枚!」という代表的作品を、優れた技術で新たに制作された高画質の銀塩プリントで後世に残すものです。

主な出展写真家: 上野彦馬、内田九一、福原信三、田淵行男、木村伊兵衛、濱谷浩、土門拳、林忠彦、秋山庄太郎、植田正治、
立木義浩、篠山紀信 他 計約100名を予定

FUJIFILM SQUARE 企画展『フジフイルム・フォトコレクション』展 日本の写真史を飾った写真家の「私の1枚」
2014年1月17日(金)~ 2014年2月5日(水

FUJIFILM SQUARE is pleased to announce the photo exhibition “Single Photo” – a collection of one particular photograph representative of some the most renowned photographers in Japanese photographic history, which runs from January 17 – February 5, 2014.
The exhibition features high-resolution silver halide prints produced with state-of-the-art technologies of a single photograph representative of approx. 100 of the leading lights from the 150-year history of Japanese photography. Prints include those from some pioneer Japanese photographers of the late Edo period (1603-1867), when photography was first introduced into Japan, through to the works of 20th century photographers who received high acclaim both at home and abroad.
The exhibition is being held to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of FUJIFILM Corporation (known originally as Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.), to highlight the company’s commitment to preserving the culture of photography, and to celebrate the works of those who have dedicated their lives to photography and have been instrumental in the development of the history of Japanese photography.

‘Single Photo’ A collection of single photographs from some of the leading photographers in the history of Japanese photography
January 17 – February 5, 2014