香港初の FASHION’S NIGHT OUT が名門百貨店「Lane Crawford(レーンクロフォード)」にて(2012年9月5日)開催された。中国版VOGUEを迎えて、数量限定デザイナーズTシャツを目当てに集まる香港ニスタ。レーンクロフォードとジバンシー、アレキサンダー・ワン、ステラ・マッカートニー、ランバン、ニール・バレットとのチャリティーTシャツ。TOKYODANDYはレーンクロフォード(カントンロード店)のウィンドウをディスプレイ&コラージュ。会場には、シアトル出身のNYブランド、「ザーナ・ベイン(Zana Bayne)」によるポップアップショップやカナダ発のデニムブランド「NAKED & FAMOUS DENIM」による加工技術講座が行われていた。彼らのデニムは日本(岡山)製の生地を使用していてデザイン縫製はカナダ国内で行われているとのこと。中国版VOGUEファッションエディター、グレース・ラム(Grace Lam)によるキュレーション。日本からはTOKYODANDYのほか、似顔絵切り絵で知られるアーティスト土田祥子が訪れる人々を切り刻んでいた。ハサミと紙を使ったユニークで素早い手さばきで人々を魅了。

VOGUE CHINA FNOの旅で沢山の人々と出会うことができ、チームレーンクロフォードの方々と同じプロジェクトに携わることができ感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。また、会場にお越し頂いた地元の方々 … 本当にありがとうございました。

This past Friday Night we were guests of speciality designer retailer Lane Crawford as together with Vogue CHINA they celebrated Hong Kong’s first ever ‘Fashion’s Night Out’. Like us, Lane Crawford merges the worlds of art, music and fashion to create a unique pop cultural experience. There are no retailers comparable to Lane Crawford in Japan (think isetan level brands with better designer and socia media relations). They often have exclusives products and for Fashion’s Night Out this was manifested through limited edition charity T-Shirts in collaboration with Neil Barrett, White Mountaineering, Alexander Wang, Givenchy, Stella McCartney, Lanvin and Opening Ceremony.

We took our Tokyo Aesthetic over to Hong Kong with a window full of our archive photos in both the Canton Road and ifc Mall store locations (plus another in the Beiijing Store). We started the evening off with an afternoon DJying in the Canton Road side fo the island. After finishing up we took the ferry across to the ifc Mall on the Hong Kong Mainland ready for the FNO party proper. We were greeted at the store by an even bigger Tokyo Dandy window which we climbed into. We weren’t the only ones in over in HK to celebrate, the store was packed with local stars and shoppers enjoying the pop-up bars and food stalls. Vogue China’s Fashion Editor Grace Lam had curated part of the store. From Canada were ‘Naked and Famous’, a brand that uses Japanese Denims to make innovative jeans such as ones that glow in the dark, or stand up unaided as ‘the heaviest pair of jeans in the world’. Customized leather harness maker Zana Bayne was over from New York and from Japan paper portrait artist Shiko Tsuchida was in attendance with a huge line-up of people keeping her busy.

We photographed a few of the guests during the evening including Lane Crawford’s Andrew Keith, blogger and stylist Han Huohuo, producer Wyman Wong and our friends who helped us enjoy the occasion. With half an hours sleep we were on the plane home and straight to Marc Jacobs Aoyama for Japan’s Fashion Night out, photos from that coming tomorrow!

Thank you so much to everyone at Lane Crawford and especially to our friends who made it such a great trip. We look forward to visiting Hong Kong again soon.

Lane Crawford Website