“reflection in a squall” by Yuma Yoshimura

今年3月に開催した2ヶ所同時展覧会から約7ヶ月、自身を刻み込むよう丹念に描き出した繊細な彩色、日常を生きる自分の痕跡を反映させた「reflection in a squall」と題した Yuma Yoshimura の個展。

Taku Sometani Gallery presents ‘Reflection in a squall’, the second solo exhibition by artist Yuma Yoshimura who creates work by carving and coloring monotone aluminum sheets.


作家にとって新たな試みとなる本展は、事実から成り立つフィクションを描いており、その新しいシリーズ最初の個展となる。過去また現在の記憶。その言語化と描画の往き来によって創られた作品は、観る者にも自身の物語の誘因となるかもしれない。アルミニウムは磨くことにより可視光から赤外線や紫外線を含む電磁波、熱線まで様々な放射エネルギーの反射率が非常に高い特性を持っている。Yoshimura が直感的にアルミ板を選んだのも偶然ではないかもしれない。


Yoshimura explains, ‘The exhibition reflection in a squall is a prologue of my new series of the inscape portrait, constructed by endless chapters. This is also a story, which reflects a trace of my everyday life, and directly connected to my main theme ‘’Clinging into life’’.
In this series, I pick up the episodes from the past and the personal contents from now to assemble them together to form a shape. Based on this, I make another story and put words on it.
On one hand Working on it, on the other hand drawing on canvas. This style puts a pause of an act of drawing. Meanwhile, I complete the story by each chapter.
This is like an autosuggestion for me, and is a way to put myself to work consciously. A course of these processes, the prologue of reflection in a squall emerges as a fiction.’

“reflection in a squall” by Yuma Yoshimura
住所:東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町2-4-1 Bakurocactus 4F
時間:13:00 – 19:00(月・休 10/21 休廊)