‘The Kimono at the Crossing’ for commons&sense MAN




9月27日に発売された最新号「commons&sense man」ISSUE29 では、ロックダウン/緊急事態宣言時に撮影/制作されたであろう、東京を拠点に活躍するアーティストたちのダイアリーを綴っている。

「The Kimono at the Crossing」は、4月上旬に捉えたシリーズからの一部になる。東京都知事が下したコロナウイルス感染拡大防止のため自宅待機の自粛要請を行った約7ヶ月前。家に閉じこもっていた私にとって、渋谷スクランブル交差点を映したライブカメラは、この自粛をどれだけの人が真剣にとらえ受け止めているかのバロメーターとして個人的に釘付けになっていた。街中で誰かを撮影したり、パソコンの画面をクローズアップしてズームインしたり、画面上を移動する匿名のピクセルに絵画のような質感を与えたり、コロナという歴史を記録しアートに落とし込む。


For the latest issue of commons&sense MAN, editors asked their community of creators and friends to contribute images representing life during a time in which many of us around the world had to ‘Stay Home’ to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

‘The Kimono at the Crossing’ is an image from a series I took in early April. The Governor of Tokyo had asked for residents to stay home as the number of coronavirus cases was growing in the capital. The keyword here is asked, as the Japanese constitution gives citizens freedom of movement that can’t legally be taken away by the national or local government. The live-cam at Shibuya crossing became a focus of my attention as, stuck home myself, it was a viewable barometer as to how seriously the request was being taken. It also gave me the opportunity to photograph who was out and about on the streets, close up zoomed-in photos of my computer screen, giving a painterly quality to the anonymous pixels moving across the screen. It’s quite rare to see someone in a kimono at Shibuya crossing, but the wearing of the traditional robes and what looks like a cake box in the subject’s hands suggest that even when most events had been, canceled some occasions were still going ahead.

commons&sense MAN issue is out now.