Tokyo Dandy in New York / Patricia Fields Valentine’s Ball

は〜い、SEX AND THE CITYでおなじみパワフルスタイリスト、パトリシア・フィールドのバースデーもかねて開催された「The Patricia Field Valentine’s Ball」。

2011年2月11日、午後22時より行なわれた「The Patricia Field Valentine’s Ball」は、大箱イベントスペースとして知られるCAPITALEがロケーションだった。会場では、3つのテーマに沿ったファッションコンテスト(”♥ SEXIEST COUPLES” ”♥ SEXIEST SINGLE” ”♥ BEST COSTUME”)が開催され、ニューヨーク中のモンスターたちが駆け付け、コンテストで賞金をゲットしようと必死だったのだ。コンテスト終了後はパトファミリー ”HOUSE OF FIELD” による最高のおもてなしケーキが用意されなんだかエモーショナルな気分に。パトの魅力はもちろん、彼女の人間性を肌で感じたひと時だった。HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT AND THANKS HOUSE OF FIELD!!!


We’re in New York for the week, catching up with friends and going to a couple of shows. We actually arrived on Thursday night, we were staying at our friends amazing apartment which is in the converted church in the top photo. After a house party Thursday night we slept off some of our jet lag Friday in preparation for a night out. It was difficult to leave the amazing space inside the church but we went round to a friends whose room had a fake open fire and genuine old world charm. We were guests at Patricia Field’s Valentines Ball at The Capitale which is the old Bowery Bank building. Another fantastic space, you just don’t get buildings like these in Tokyo. Patricia Fields Ball was a riot of colorful characters (more photos here) and we met a lot of other people who are here from Japan for the week. After Pat’s Ball we went to the Tribeca Grand where Seven New York was having an Anniversary party, before we rejoined Pat’s crew at a bar which resembled a Chinese opium den (that’s where the bottom photo was taken). We’ve been to a couple of shows already and have just checked into the Soho Grand Hotel. More stuff from New York soon.