HOKUSAI ‘beyond the great wave’ at THE BRITISH MUSEUM


代表作「富嶽三十六景 神奈川沖浪裏」は、世界で最も知られる作品のひとつ、その構図の斬新さ、デザイン性、一瞬を捉えた魅力の数々を、人々は愛してやまない。この名作を残した北斎とは、どのような人物だったのか。大英博物館との共同企画である本展では、日英の第一線の浮世絵研究者が、北斎の人物像や精神性を解き明かす。

北斎は70年に及ぶ画業の中で、さまざまな画法を学び、森羅万象を描き出した。風景や動植物のような目に見える世界だけでなく、晩年には龍や鳳凰、聖人などを題材にして、日常を超えた想像の世界を肉筆画で表現。 画家の筆遣いがそのまま画面に残る肉筆画には、北斎の卓越した技術や色彩の美しさ、溢れ出す才能の全てが色濃く表れている。



時間:10:00-18:00(月・土・日・祝) 10:00-20:00(火〜金)

A newly opened exhibition at The British Museum in London is honouring a figure whom is perhaps the well known and influential Japanese Artist of all time, Hokusai. The exhibition will take artistic journey through the last 30 years of Hokusai’s life – a time when he produced some of his most memorable masterpieces.

Throughout the exhibition, outstanding examples of Hokusai’s work will show the artist’s creative breadth and depth. A selection of superb landscapes is introduced with the iconic Great Wave – itself part of a print series of views of Mt Fuji. Intimate domestic scenes capture fleeting moments in private lives. Exquisite depictions of flora and fauna display an innate skill in representing the natural world. The artist’s imagination is given full rein in the portrayal of supernatural creatures such as ghosts and deities. Through all of these works, explore Hokusai’s personal beliefs and gain a fascinating insight into the artist’s spiritual and artistic quest in his later years.

The exhibition will include prints, paintings and illustrated books, many of which are on loan from Japan, Europe and the USA. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see these extraordinary works together. At the same time, a new documentary feature is coming to cinemas across the UK bringing Hokusai’s work to life in greater detail than ever before, see the trailer above.

Hokusai: Beyond the Great Wave 25th May – 13th August 2017The British Museum London